Thursday, November 20, 2008

Oh Oh Oh It's Magic

But it got cancelled. So much for our little slice of heaven.

While shows like The Hills, the 3 versions of CSI, the millionth season of Law and Orders, Dancing with the Stars, and Lost, one can't help but wonder what happenned to good television. Television that maybe didn't showcase solely beautiful people or portray cops running in heals and loop earings. Maybe, just maybe, we could have a show with a real plot.

And God granted us Pushing Daisies. Talk about eye opening. Who knew television could be witty? Amongst the stories of serial killers, heart transplants, and the search for the perfect prom date, I had forgotten that shows could be happy. And not only was this show happy, but it was just entirely different. There was nothing on tv like it. Finally. An original thought.

It was easy to get lost in the vibrant colors and equally vibrant characters, the fantastical plot lines and 'aw' inspiring dialogue. It was easy to smile for an entire hour, allowing this fairy tale world to wrap you up in a big hug. We watch tv to mindlessly, as crime shows are solved before our eyes at 7 pm, 8 pm, and 9 pm central time. Murder, drama, solve, drama. Repeat. Pushing Daisies brought life back to the dead[ television set]. And what was wrong with it? I really want to know what people didn't like about it. Was it not dark enough? Was the cheery narrator pushing your buttons? Could you just not appreciate the sidestep out of reality for a little bit? While other shows pretend to portray real life (cops running in heels and tight shirts? really?), this show openly admits that it is not real - it's a dream. A wonderful, original, beautiful dream.

And apparently, I just woke up.

Boo ABC. If anything, you should take off Lost. I mean seriously. They aren't lost anymore.

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